例句 1:
The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history.
例句 2:
The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were primarily Manchus.
例句 3:
The Qing Dynasty was a period of cultural prosperity, with significant developments in art and literature.
例句 1:
在許多歷史書籍中,清朝也被稱為Ch'ing Dynasty。
In many historical texts, the Qing Dynasty is also referred to as the Ch'ing Dynasty.
例句 2:
Ch'ing Dynasty的統治下,中國的疆域擴展到了歷史最高點。
Under the Ch'ing Dynasty, China's territory expanded to its historical peak.
例句 3:
研究清朝的學者經常使用Ch'ing Dynasty這個名稱。
Scholars studying the Qing Dynasty often use the name Ch'ing Dynasty.
例句 1:
滿族的文化在Manchu Dynasty時期得到了重大的發展。
Manchu culture saw significant development during the Manchu Dynasty.
例句 2:
Manchu Dynasty的建立標誌著中國歷史的一個新時期。
The establishment of the Manchu Dynasty marked a new era in Chinese history.
例句 3:
許多滿族傳統在Manchu Dynasty期間被保留和發展。
Many Manchu traditions were preserved and developed during the Manchu Dynasty.